Bootle Man Detained In India 'Heartbroken' Over Re-Trial

An ex-solder from Bootle who's being detained in India has told family members he's 'completely heartbroken' over re-trial ruling.

Published 2nd Jul 2015

Paul Towers, an ex-soldier from Bootle, was arrested by Indian authories almost two years ago after the ship he was working on strayed into Indian waters.

Him and five other Britons are still being detained, even though all charges against them were dropped several months ago.

A Supreme Court Judge has now ruled they will face a re-trial, leaving the men 'completely heartbroken'.

They had been hoping to have their belongings and passports retuened to them so that they could return home to their families.

Lisa Dunn, the sister of one of the men told radio City News;

''we're completely in disbelief that this has been allowed to drag on for 21 months, to then be told it's going to drag on for another six. It's excrutiating agony for all of us, we all feel really quite desperate.''