Bonfire Night Warning From Family Of Wirral Teenager

Published 5th Nov 2015

The family of a Wirral teenager who was badly burnt by a Bonfire say his story should be a warning to others.

14-year-old Keegan Morton from Prenton suffered horrific burns to his face and could have lost his sight after an aerosol can he'd thrown onto a bonfire exploded in his face.

Two years after the accident Keegan has shared his story for a fire safety video that's being shown in schools.

His Mum Kelly hopes it will help keep other children safe;

''I couldn't wish it on anyone... if by listening to Keegan and hearing what he went through it stops someone else doing something stupid, then I'll be happy'

Keegan was put in an induced coma at Alder Hey hospital to recover from his burns.

His Mum told us he's lucky not to have been blinded or worse.

A Merseyside Police spokesman said;

“This video is a reminder to all of the consequences and dangers around unsupervised bonfires and the impact one act of stupidity can have, with life-long implications.

“We are working alongside colleagues in the fire service, going into schools and working with young people, to remind them of these dangers and point people to the organised events, that are taking place across Merseyside.

“Officers will be out and about over this period and will be dealing robustly with anyone who is acting anti-socially. However, I would ask people to take responsibility for themselves, their children and their neighbours and report any incidents of anti-social behaviour to us.”

Merseyside Fire and Rescue are urging people to go to organised fire work displays and bonfires instead of building their own.

Ian Mullen is in charge of reducing arson and told us;

''we've seen an increase in the number of fireworks and fire related injuries. People need to remember that Fireworks are explosives''