Appeal To Trace Two Women Believed To Have Witnessed Assult Of A Baby

Detectives investigating the alleged assault of a baby in a supermarket in Liverpool have released CCTV footage of two women they believe could be key witnesses to the incident.

Published 18th Dec 2015

Detectives investigating the alleged assault of a baby in a supermarket in Liverpool have released CCTV footage of two women they believe could be key witnesses to the incident.

A women in her 30s has already been arrested on suspion of assult following the incident in Asda on Utting Avenue in Anfield on November 10th. She has been questioned and is currently on police bail.

The child was uninjuried however a criminal investigation into the assult alleagations remains on-going. Dectivites are still trying to speak to every shopper who was in the area of the incident who might have witnessed the whole incident.

Dectective Inspector Lee Schofield of Liverpool Child Protection team said: "Thankully the child was uninjuried, but he was left distressed by the incident and several people understandably reported their concerns to police."

Continuing: "We have since spoken to several witnesses who saw some of what went but we are still very keen to hear from the two women in this CCTV footage."

He reinsures that the pair have nothing to worry about, saying "we simply need to get full, formal account from them as to what they saw and heard so that we can progress out investigation."

The two women or anyone who knows them are urged to contact Liverpool Child Portection Unit on 01517774046.