Appeal To Find Hillsborough Disaster Witnesses

Published 22nd Apr 2015

The Coroner at the Hillsborough inquests has made a fresh appeal to find 18 new witnesses. Pictures of the people who were at the ground on the day of the disaster have now been released.

It's understood they helped people on the day and may have vital information for the families of the victims. The witnesses include fans carrying casualties on makeshift stretchers and police officers.

The fresh inquests began in March 2013 and are currently hearing evidence under the direction of the Coroner, Sir John Goldring.

Operation Resolve was set up by the Home Secretary, Theresa May, to investigate whether any individual or organisation is criminally culpable for their part in the Hillsborough disaster. Where Operation Resolve’s work looks at the actions of the police, this area of the investigation is being managed by the Independent Police Complaints Commission. In April 2013, Operation Resolve was also appointed to assist the Coroner in preparing for the Inquest.

The Officer in Overall Command of Operation Resolve, Assistant Commissioner Jon Stoddart, said:

“It is important to stress that we believe these people can help the Coroner’s inquest process. I know these pictures are 26 years old but if anyone does recognise the people we need to speak to then I would urge them to get in touch immediately.

“There are still many questions that the families of the 96 have and we believe that these people may be able to provide answers to some of those questions. I have a team of highly trained staff in place who will deal with witnesses sensitively as we understand how difficult some people will find this. The Operation Resolve website also contains useful contacts should members of the public require welfare assistance.

“It is unusual to carry out an appeal of this nature during an ongoing legal process such as the inquests and for that reason I urge people to remember the warning issued by the Coroner at the start of the fresh inquests, which he reiterated in February 2014. I also urge people to consider the advisory notice issued by the Attorney General’s office on 10 March 2014. It is really important that people do not pass comment on our appeal or any other aspect of the Hillsborough disaster on social media and forums.”

Anyone who can identify any of the people in the images is asked to call Operation Resolve on 08000 283 284 or via the website