AMAZING NEWS: Finn Has A Match!

7-year-old Finn McEwen from Bootle has been desperately waiting for a life-saving stem cell donor. Radio City are delighted to announce he now has a match!

Published 15th May 2015

Last month hundreds of you joined us up the Radio City tower to sign up a stem cell donors to help save a little boy's life.

In March 7-year-old Finn McEwen was diagnosed with bone marrow failure and because there is no cure, his family were told a transplant would be his only hope of survival.

None of them were a match for Finn so they launched an appeal to try and find him a donor.

Since then 15,000 people have signed up to the register, including 255 of you who came to the Radio City tower last month.

In the last few weeks we've all been keeping our fingers crossed that Finn's family would get some happy news...

Today we are delighted to say we've had a message from his Mum Carole saying they've found a positive match for Finn and if everything goes to plan he'll be having his transplant on the 11th June!

She wants to thank everyone for their help and support saying;

''We will never be able to repay you all. More thank-you’s to follow, just wanted to let you know the great news that we’ve all been waiting for''

Our reporter Roisin Hastie went to speak to Carole about the exciting news;

During the appeal 5,000 people requested a D-I-Y donor kit but lots of them haven't been returned. Finn's family have asked for anyone who has one to send them back to make sure they're signed up to the register; to help the thousands of other children still waiting for a match.

Click for Finn's facebook page.