100 donut challenge by former motorbike champ from Warrington

Aidan Collins doing challenge to raise money for injured bikers

Donuts in action
Author: Claire HannahPublished 30th Apr 2021

A former motorbike champion from Warrington is taking part in a special challenge, inspired by the Captain Sir Tom 100th birthday challenge, but to raise money for injured Speedway and Flattrack riders.

On Saturday 8th May, Aidan Collins (founder of Ride and Skid It in Buxton, and also part of the very prolific Collins speedway family) and James Woodroffe (TV producer who worked with Captain Sir Tom) will both be attempting 100 continuous donuts on a Speedway bike and Flat-track bike respectively.

They’re doing it to raise awareness and as much money as possible for two causes:

Oliver Brindley in action (number 24)

Oliver Brindley is just 22 years old and from Doncaster. While chasing his dream to be a professional flat track racer in the USA, he suffered multiple fractures and head injuries in an horrific crash in 2019. He was in a coma for weeks and left with serious brain injuries.

Oliver and his dad.

Oliver remains on the long road to full recovery. He’s having to learn to walk and talk again, and although he’s making amazing progress, it does all cost money so Aidan and James are trying to raise money to help with the costs

Ricky Ashworth in action

Ricky Ashworth, 38 from Salford is a former speedway rider who still holds the track record at Sheffield's Owlerton Stadium.

He rode for Sheffield Tigers for a decade in a glittering career, but in August 2013, that changed forever after a crash at Scunthorpe.

He was left brain damaged and spent 91 days in a coma with his family at his bedside.

Ricky pulled through and remains on his road to recovery. He’s already re-gained some of his independence, thanks to his family home being extended and adapted to help give him his own space.

Ricky at his home in Salford

Some of the money for this came from the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund, which provides support to speedway riders who've been seriously injured.

Ricky has asked for any money donated in his name to go to this charity.

All money raised will be split equally between Oliver’s Recovery Fund and the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund.

Go to @rideandskidit on Twitter for more details