The Jump: 10 of the worst celebrity casualties

These celebs didn't know what they were getting themselves in to.

Published 1st Feb 2016

Since Channel 4's The Jump started in 2014 it's inflicted more pain than Mike Tyson, racking up an injury list longer than that of your average rugby team.

Throughout each series, the celebrity contestants have to perform a variety of risky stunts and it seems these celebrities simply cracked under the pressure, quite literally in some cases...

1. Sir Steve Redgrave

The Olympic hero was forced to pull out of the 2014 final after being plagued by injuries in training, including breaking a bone in his hand.

2. Marcus Brigstocke

Comedian Marcus Brigstocke also had to pull out of the final in 2014 when he ruptured a ligament in his knee after a bad fall.

3. Darren Gough

Cricketer Darren Gough was eliminated in episode three of series 1. By the time Darren left he'd cracked a rib, sprained his wrist and suffered a large gash in his leg.

4. Melinda Messenger

The presenter knocked herself unconscious whilst practicing for a bobsleigh event and was advised to drop out after suffering with concussion.


5. Henry Conway

Fashion journalist Henry had to bow out of the competition after shattering a bone in his hand in seven places during training for the Skeleton, an event which involves riding a small sledge down a frozen track at high speeds.

6. Sam Jones

The Flash Gordon star badly injured his shoulder whilst celebrating a successful jump and had no choice but to bring his time on the show to an end.


7. Ola Jordan

Strictly Comes Dancing’s Ola Jordan had to pull out of the second series after suffering severe ligament damage, the dancer claimed that at one point she feared she would never walk again.

8. Sally Bercow

The second series also saw reality star Sally Bercow quit after breaking two ribs in a training accident.

9. **Louisa Lytton**

The former Eastenders actress was rushed to hospital before series three had even started after a bad fall in training left her in severe pain. Another training accident also left Louisa with a torn ligament in her thumb.

10.** Rebecca Adlington**

Former Olympic swimmer Rebecca Adlington is the latest addition to the show's casualty list, dislocating her shoulder after an awkward landing during a ski jump practice session.