Barack Obama speech via 'anger translator' Luther goes viral – WATCH

He pokes fun at Bradley Cooper and Hillary Clinton

Published 27th Apr 2015

A video of Barack Obama making a hilarious speech using an “anger translator” has gone viral online.

Mid-way through his address at the annual star-studded White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday night, the US President introduced his alter ego on stage – a wide-eyed and possessed looking man called Luther.

As Obama delivered his lines at the star-studded glitzy gala, the usually polite politician was given a devilish twist as Luther told the crowd what Obama really meant.

“In our fast changing world, traditions like the White House Correspondents’ Dinner are important,” Obama said, translated as ““I mean really what is this dinner? And why am I required to go to it?”

Luther then dug the knife into the pro-Republican news channel Fox for their sensationalist headlines, CNN for stoking up fear and comparing Hillary Clinton to Khaleesi from Game of Thrones.

Obama’s animated alter-ego also poked fun at Bradley Cooper when the President touched upon climate change, shouting manically: Hey, listen, ya’ll, if you haven’t noticed, California is bone dry!

“It looks like a trailer for the new “Mad Max” movie up in there. Ya’ll think that Bradley Cooper came here because he wants to talk to Chuck Todd? He needed a glass of water. Come on!”

Since being uploaded to The White House's official Facebook page yesterday, the video has amassed 24million views on Facebook alone.

You can see the full brilliant transcript right here
