Workers at oil distribution company in Immingham take strike action

They've walked out in a row over pay

Stock photo of oil refinery
Author: Andy MarshPublished 28th Oct 2022

Strike action is taking place at an oil distribution company in North East Lincolnshire in a row over pay.

Workers at Briggs Marine in Immingham want a pay rise to cope with the cost of living crisis.

We spoke to David Shamma the GMB regional organiser.

He told us: "The company made what they said was a final offer which they say was 6 per cent at the time."

"Also there was also some money that was effectively what members already earned in the way of bonuses."

"With inflation running at ten per cent and over the offer was nowhere near acceptable."

"It involves about 40 people."

"There will be a 24 hour stoppage that we expect to be totally one hundred per cent supported by our members."

"The members have made it clear from the outset any pay increase has got to match inflation."

"The latest figures show inflation is in excess of ten per cent so it really needs to be of that magnitude."

We also approached Briggs Marine.

They told us their pay offer IS fair and they're willing for further talks to take place.

Here's their statement:

Briggs believes that GMB has entered into industrial action hastily and before exploring all options open to it.

There is a good pay offer on the table, and the Company will continue to talk to the Union.

Briggs’ priority is to avoid disruption to our Clients, and it calls on GMB to suspend all industrial action immediately and to resume to normal working.

In the interim, the Company apologises to Clients for any disruption caused to its service.’