Business with branches in Scunthorpe and Lincoln takes in donations to help Ukrainians

It's one of many across the region to help those affected by the crisis

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Published 8th Mar 2022

Many businesses across Lincolnshire and Newark have been doing fantastic work to help Ukrainians caught up in the conflict.

We spoken to several of them including one with branches in Scunthorpe and Lincoln.

Pat Cook Funeral Services have been taking donations to be sent to Ukraine.

They'll go out to the Ukrainian border to support refugees fleeing the conflict.

Kevin Cook who's a director at the firm says "this is going to go on for as long as it's needed, while people are being forced out of their homes and effectively out of their own country".

"They're dealing with grief on a daily basis and something like this really touches your heart and we just wanted to make some kind of difference".

"There's still more to do, there are tens of thousands if not more leaving in droves from Ukraine".

"I don't think anyone knows when this might end."

"I don't think we've done enough I think there's more that we can do".

We asked him the kind of things they're sending out there:

"Anything they feel would be a necessity, whether that be blankets, towels, dried fruit, clothing even pet food since pets are an important part of the family".