Police arrest convicted sex offender who'd been on the run from North Sea camp prison in Boston

He was arrested in Skegness

Paul Robson
Author: Andy MarshPublished 17th Feb 2022
Last updated 17th Feb 2022

Police have arrested the convicted sex offender who went on the run after going missing from North Sea Camp open prison in Boston.

Paul Robson hadn't been seen since Sunday morning.

A manhunt was launched following the 56 year old's disappearance last weekend.

He is currently serving a life sentence for attempted rape and indecent assault.

Police said he posed a danger to woman and children and people were advised not to approach him.

This morning officer arrested him in Skegness around half past nine this morning.

He remains in custody.

Here's the police statement in full:

We are pleased to report that Paul Robson has been arrested. He was found and arrested in the Skegness area at 9:27am. He remains in police custody.

East Area Commander Chief Superintendent Kate Anderson said: “We are pleased to report that we have arrested Paul Robson. We are grateful to members of the public for their help and support in sharing our appeals and we’d also like to give thanks to everyone who have called in with potential sightings of him.

“We’d also like to extend our thanks to partner agencies and our officers for working tirelessly to apprehend Robson.”