North Lincolnshire charity calls for Government to go further in protecting women

We could see plain clothes officers patrolling bars and nightclubs

Author: Aaron RenfreePublished 16th Mar 2021

A charity which supports victims of sexual violence in North Lincolnshire wants the Government to go further with its plans to protect women.

We could see plain clothes police officers patrolling bars and nightclubs in the future.

Stephanie Price, from The Blue Door, supports the plan but thinks MPs need to look at education too.

"I think it needs to be coupled with a much wider plan around prevention, around an understanding of ending violence against women and girls and around changing the behavior of those that perpetrate abuse.

"We need to look right at the very beginning at education, and awareness, and understanding actually what is abuse, because that is different for everybody.

"How can we educate our boys and our children around healthy conversations, relationships and friendships."

She also says women and girls experience abuse in all parts of their life.

"We need to remember that 1-in-4 women experience domestic abuse.

"We're not safe in our own homes a lot of the time".