New hub opens in North East Lincolnshire to support anyone who's experienced domestic abuse

The are has a higher than average percentage of partner violence

Scared woman
Author: Andy MarshPublished 13th Dec 2024

More support's being offered to anyone who's experienced domestic abuse across North East Lincolnshire which has a higher than average percentage of partner violence.

A new hub is being made available to anyone affected by such abuse

Currently women's aid in the area says they're supporting 250 live cases

They hope this facility - open to men and women - can act as a safe space for people to enter to get help before things become violent.

Hopefully it will grow and grow like our women's spaces have

We've been speaking to Denise Farman who's Chief Officer at Women's Aid in North East Lincs about the new hub.

She told us "We've got our women only spaces and we've got our space now which we're calling the domestic abuse hub."

"Women are still going in there but so are men and so are agencies - the police are having meetings there which is much better than having them at the police station."

"In the four weeks we've opened we've had three or four male victims come in and lots of agencies come in."

"Hopefully it will grow and grow like our women's spaces have."

We do lots of different types of support

"People like social workers and other agencies that want to do agency work there."

"We've got some drop ins in partnership with solicitors and we're having a homeless drop for any issues with housing and domestic abuse."

"We do lots of different types of support."

"It could be help with - I need to get out of the house - it could be - I need to ring the police - I need to press charges - we need to go to court."

"We need orders like protective orders."

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