Lincolnshire scouts launch aid project to help Ukrainian refugees

A minibus will go to Poland full of donations

Ukraine demonstration
Author: Andy MarshPublished 5th Apr 2022

Aid efforts to help the people of Ukraine are stepping up in Lincolnshire as the death toll continues to rise.

The pictures coming out of the war torn country has led many to want to help.

One such project is from Lincolnshire scouts.

They've filled a minibus with donations and it's now heading to Poland.

They've worked with the Polish School Lincoln, and the minibus will be used to transport refugees sponsored by UK families on its return journey.

Malcolm Moore is the Deputy County Commissioner for Lincolnshire Scouts.

He told us: "The pictures from Ukraine are harrowing, to see the conditions people are living in are absolutely awful".

"I feel that if you have some skills and abilities you should put them into use and do what you can for people".

"I spoke to a lady from Edinburgh who sponsored 4 people and a dog and I've subsequently spoken to Natalie who's in Ukraine at the moment and we're picking that family up from Lodz. (In Poland)

"The collections are ongoing and they happen every day at St Marks in Lincoln".

"In terms of my trips to Poland and the other people involved the more minibuses we have the more we can do".