Lincolnshire mum says she was terrified after her son caught Strep A

He needed hospital treatment but recovered

Author: Andy MarshPublished 7th Dec 2022

A mum from Lincolnshire whose son ended up in hospital after contracting Strep A has urged other parents to be aware of the symptoms.

Jenna says the infection left her terrified after it led to more serious symptoms.

Health professionals say groups of children can be given antibiotics- where outbreaks have been detected.

However GPs are reassuring parents that serious cases are still very rare.

Jenna told us about her experiences:

"I started becoming aware of children passing away."

"All afternoon I was becoming a mess, I was in tears because it really hit home."

"I thought wow that could have been George and I just feel so sorry for children and the families."

"I just got really anxious, concerned that something wasn't right, this isn't going away."

"I was really quite concerned for George especially the three days he was in hospital".

"It's so hard to not feel terrified and panicky."

"I know a lot of parents are really scared right now but you just have to try and remain calm and know that your child will most likely be OK."

"If you as a parent feel your child does have Strep A and they are poorly call 1-1-1 or go to urgent care"

"As a last resort and I mean this as a very last resort go to A and E."

"However obviously we don't want A and E full up with children."