Humberside Police congratulated for 'outstanding' performance after inspection

The force received six "outstanding" grades and two "good" grades

Author: Oliva Mounsor, Julie CastonPublished 25th Nov 2022

Humberside Police have been congratulated for it's "outstanding" performance after being awarded one of the highest grades of any UK Police Force by HMICFRS following it's latest inspection.

The review took place between January and June this year and covered nine core areas of policing and include

  • Providing a service to victims of crime
  • Engaging with and treating the public with fairness and respect
  • Preventing crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Responding to the public
  • Investigating crime
  • Protecting vulnerable people
  • Managing offenders and suspects
  • Building, supporting and protecting the workforce
  • Strategic planning, organisational management and value for money

Across these areas, the Force recieved a total of six 'outstanding' grades, two 'good' grades and one 'adequate' grade.

A previous report in 2015 found the force was "inadequate" and was placed in 'special measures' until 2018.

On receiving the report, Chief Constable Lee Freeman says he is "delighted with today’s report and the assessment from HMICFRS and the outstanding grades the force have been awarded."

"Today’s report demonstrates that Humberside Police, through our staff, always had the potential to achieve that and that my belief in them was not misplaced.”

On the drive to implement innovative practices at Humberside Police, Mr Freeman added;

“I wish to record my thanks to all my staff for their support and hard work over the last five years, as it is them, along with the 800 new officers that have joined us since I took over, who have delivered improvements and innovations at every level and across every part of Humberside Police.

You can read the full report here

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