Fears the cost of living crisis may lead to more young people leaving Lincolnshire

Many believe they may find better jobs outside the county

Job centre
Author: Andy MarshPublished 1st Jun 2022

Research suggests the cost of living crisis may lead to more young people leaving Lincolnshire because they feel there are better opportunities elsewhere

Almost half of under 25s say financial pressures is their biggest worry.

In many cases it’s impacted their mental health.

Some of them move, seeking job opportunities they feel aren't available in the county.

We spoke to Harry Hughes who's recently moved from Lincoln to Manchester for exactly those reasons.

He said: "There's no opportunities (in Lincolnshire) at all."

"It's retail, hospitality and care and they are notorious for being low paid and not respected enough."

"You're constantly worrying that every move you make in your life will impact your budget."

"What food you eat, how long a shower will take, anything that you can think of it comes down to - will I have enough money to pay for it."

He told us the pressure on young people still remains.

"The hopelessness hasn't gone yet, I feel like we're pretending it has but it hasn't it feels just the same as when we weren't allowed to leave our houses."