Concerns raised about Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue

However inspectors found some progress on areas of concern were being made

Fire engine
Author: Andy MarshPublished 15th Dec 2021

Concerns have been raised about Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Earlier this year, inspectors found it didn't do enough to ensure businesses followed fire safety measures and it needed to do more to improve equality, diversity and inclusion.

The latest update says although there are still issues the service has shown a strong commitment to working on areas of concern.

Chief Fire Officer Mark Baxter told us:

"We do welcome the findings of the report."

"Yes they have identified these areas of concern and we've made some great progress".

"It was really pleasing to hear the report identified Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue is really good in how it responds to emergencies".

"The publication of the report is a great way to give us a sense check on how we are performing for the people of Lincolnshire".

"Also it's a great way of pushing our continuous improvement agenda".