A Cleethorpes car park to get a single story extension

It's to increase the number of spaces at Grant Street

Author: Julie CastonPublished 2nd Dec 2021
Last updated 2nd Dec 2021

A car park in Cleethorpes is set to get a single storey extension after being approved by Councillors.

Plans to increase the number of spaces at Grant Street aims to relieve some of the parking pressures in the peak season.

It's also being considered as part of a 'green' plan which would see the introduction of electric vehicle charging bays.

Design works will now continue for the building before being submitted to the planning service for approval.

North East Lincolnshire Council will borrow approximately £3.5m of funds to build the extension, which will then be paid back using the revenue generated by the income.

The council’s regeneration partner, EQUANS, will be managing and overseeing the project. A contractor is yet to be appointed and works will be planned to take place outside of the peak season, should planning approve the proposals.

Highway officials will now continue with the ongoing planning and design works and will be submitting the proposals to the planning service in the coming months.

Residents directly impacted by the improvement works will be engaged with in the coming weeks and their views taken onboard.

Early engagement with businesses and key stakeholders in the resort highlight support for the extension in improving the visitor economy by providing easier access to parking spaces in one of the main areas of the resort.

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Greatest Hits Radio (Lincolnshire)