Petition against water sports at a Newark nature spot attracts more than 3,000 signatures

It’s after plans to add kayaking and canoeing on Balderton Lake

The artwork which will be presented at the parish council meeting (credit SWAN)
Author: Collette HowePublished 11th May 2022
Last updated 11th May 2022

A nature spot in Newark is facing plans to be turned into a water sports area with canoeing and kayaking where up to 16 boats could be on the lake at a single time.

The plans by the YMCA and Balderton Parish Council show how they aim to build a launch dock to be used as part of the YMCA Community and Activity Village site, due to open later this year.

This area is habitat for many birds and endangered species, including the kingfisher and otters. It’s also where many birds nest over breeding season.

A campaign group called Save Wildlife and Nature (SWAN) has been set up to oppose the plans and a petition organised by the group has gained more than 3,500 signatures.

Emma Oldham is a wildlife conservationist, and set up this petition:

“Since living here for the last 12 years, I really noticed the lack of green space and how much of it we’re losing. Balderton lake is one of the last refuges, not only for the wildlife but for people to have that peace and tranquility.”

“We are in a wildlife crisis right now. There’s been quite a lot of land grabbing around Newark, for housing developments, car parks… I think people in Newark are getting really frustrated.”

It was less than a year a go when locals also took part in the Stop The Chop campaign, protesting against plans to cut down trees to make room for a carpark in the area.

Emma explained more about the Balderton lake:

“It’s such an important steppingstone for a lot of species. We have really iconic wildlife there like The beautiful kingfishers. Kingfishers are listed as schedule 1 species under the wildlife and countryside act… which means no activity should disturb them between March and August. “

As well as the wildlife element, the campaign is highlighting safety concerns there:

“Before Balderton Lake, it was pretty much a landfill… We’re worried it’s going to displace the wildlife, but also people could get injured from whatever’s laying at the bottom of that water…”

Sam Farrell is another local campaigner, who set up the Balderton Lake Upkeep Conservation Page with her partner seven years ago.

“Things have been thrown in there, people drag out bikes and all sorts of things. Even people who fish there have said how snaggy it is- and have their ropes caught up and cut.”

“I would never put my own children in there”

“We are very much for the YMCA being in Newark, we want to work along with them but it’s just this one element of water sports on this particular lake…”

“Having boats, extra noise and splashing will inevitably disturb the species… and once they’ve gone, they won’t come back”.

The Executive Director at YMCA Newark and Sherwood, Todd Cauthorn has responded to the concerns.

“Expert ecologists have assured us that no impact or harm will come to local wildlife through our proposed plans at Balderton Lake. However, we are listening to public concerns regarding breeding birds and are pleased to confirm that additional YMCA-commissioned ecology surveys by an external agency are now officially underway. We should have results to share once breeding season has ended to confirm no wildlife will be impacted before we progress.”

“Full testing of the water quality and safety was also undertaken in the pre-planning stages of this initiative to address potential hazards. We also scanned the bottom of the lake for potential dangers and no risks were identified that would impact delivery of proposed activities. There should be no reason why anyone – staff or participant – should have any cause to enter the lake in any circumstances during the proposed activities, and full training will be given to ensure this remains the case.”

They have also confirmed that they will carry out testing again for any safety concerns.

Newark & Sherwood district council have been contacted for comment.