5,829 warning letters issued to speeding drivers in Lincolnshire

Local Community Speed Watch groups are continuing to tackle the issue

Author: Lauren WattPublished 28th Jan 2025

In 2024, Lincolnshire Police sent out 5,829 letters to drivers caught speeding across the county thanks to local Community Speed Watch groups.

The Community Speed Watch allows residents to become police-trained volunteers to monitor vehicle speeds in their communities, with the aim of changing the behaviour of road users who drive above the speed limit through small towns and villages.

There are more than 250 parishes and town councils operating the scheme throughout Lincolnshire with over 1000 trained volunteers.

Communications Manager Simon Outen-Coe from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership said:

The first time they're caught, they get what's called a first letter and we issued 5,555 of those last year. The intention of this is that you take on board the warning and therefore you don't transgress again.

From that we issued 246 second letters, so it shows the effectiveness of those first letters and we only need to resort to issuing 28 third letters.

The Community Speed Watch gives us the ability for the community themselves to tackle speeding. It's often a priority raised at most local levels. It gives them that opportunity to address speeding concerns in their own environment.

For those who think it's toothless, I would just point out that occasionally officers will join them and if they do and you're caught, then you are subject to the penalties that come with being caught speeding by a police officer."

Simon also highlighted that drivers need to think about their own personal responsibility behind the wheel of car.

You can find out more about the Community Speed Watch Scheme, how to become part of your watch and how to set up a group on the Lincolnshire Police website.

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