Young people in Lancashire more 'sober-curious' than ever

Stats show 50% of millennials say they want to reduce their alcohol intake

Stats show 50% of millennials say they want to reduce their alcohol intake
Author: Hannah MakepeacePublished 10th May 2021

More younger people are ditching the booze and living the 'dry life.'

As concern grows for the older generation and their relationship with alcohol, the opposite has been seen with younger people.

That's according to a new study from King's College which shows 50% of millennials say they want to reduce their alcohol intake.

Meanwhile the research revealed some people aged 55-74 are drinking the equivalent of a bottle of wine a day

The news comes as no surprise to one millennial who gave up drinking during lockdown and says an ‘unbelievable’ amount of young people have come to her for advice on how to live the ‘dry life’.

Charlotte Southall, from Lytham, had come to rely on alcohol to give her confidence and boost her self esteem but realised that drinking impacted her relationships with family and friends. She found that alcohol had become a coping mechanism that left her feeling that she had lost view of who she really was.

“So many more young people are becoming curious about the sober lifestyle.

Since sharing my story so many people have reached out to me via social media about their own struggles with alcohol it’s unbelievable how many young people want to get sober and start living a cleaner life.”

Charlotte decided to enter treatment for her relationship with alcohol during the first lockdown. She entered Delamere Health in May 2020 and is about to mark a whole year sober.

“When I first made the decision to go to Delamere I was scared. I felt that if I gave up drinking for good, and lost my party girl status, then my life would be over and I would have no friends or social life. But that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Giving up drinking has given me my life back and I am so proud of myself.”

Since leaving treatment, Charlotte is helping other young people who are ‘sober-curious’. She has set up an Instagram account to inspire others and document her journey - @nowimlivingthedrylife - and is an ambassador for Bee Sober.

Charlotte is also now launching her own non-alcoholic drink brand called SOBA.