Women being asked to dress 'sexier' for work

A Blackpool woman campaigning for a change in dress code laws says bosses shouldn't be allowed to ask women to dress sexier for work.

Published 21st Sep 2016

It's claimed hundreds of women are being discriminated against, because they're being told by their bosses to wear more make-up for work.

A new study reveals that one in seven women admit their boss has asked them to dress 'sexier' for work, because it's better for business.

Blackpool receptionist Nicola Thorp was sent home from her job for wearing flat shoes instead of high heels.

She's campaigning for a change in dress code laws.

A petition she set up online has now gathered more than 150,000 signatures. That's more than enough for the issue to be debated in Parliament.

Nicola told us:

"It's always to do with employers what they think is a more professional look, but actually what they're saying to female staff they're asking them to look more attractive... that's sex discrimination.

"I know of so many women who've had experiences like this. I was told myself in terms of make up, that I needed to wear specific shades of lipstick. One of my bosses also said to me - I can't force you to wear a skirt, but the client prefers it and you'll go a lot further in this company."