Two people jailed for manslaughter after assault on Blackburn man

Nigel Scott suffered serious head injuries from assault

Author: Louisa KingPublished 18th Oct 2021

TWO people have today (Monday, October 18) been sentenced following the death of Nigel Scott in Blackburn.

Mr Scott, 58, suffered serious head injuries during an assault at an address on Clarendon Road East in the town last December.

He was taken to hospital but sadly died the following day.

Two people were originally charged with his murder but pleaded guilty to manslaughter in September this year.

Daniel Butler, 33, carried out the attack on Mr Scott which caused his fatal injuries. Marina Westlund, 26, admitted manslaughter on the basis that while she encouraged Butler to assault Nigel Scott but that she did not take part in any physical attack upon him.

Butler, of Walker Street, Preston was sentenced to 11 years in prison, with a further three years on licence.

Westlund, of Clarendon Road East, Blackburn, was sentenced to 45 months in prison.

Det Insp Paul Langley, of the Force Major Investigation Team, said: “This was a sustained and completely unprovoked attack on Mr Scott who does not appear to have been able to defend himself. Very sadly the injuries caused during that assault have led to his death.

“The entirety of the violence was unleashed by Butler. He was encouraged throughout by Westlund, who did nothing to stop the it and in fact showed a clear desire for violence to be inflicted on Nigel Scott by Butler.

“My thoughts remain with Mr Scott’s loved ones who have conducted themselves with dignity throughout these proceedings. I hope that the sentences handed down today offers them some consolation for their loss.”

Tributes from Mr Scott’s family;

Danny Scott – son

It’s hard to know what to feel. I feel grief and hurst for the relationship we will never now have but I feel anger for the way it was taken away. I grieve for all the different scenarios I go over in my head that will never now happen and I replay all the memories I have of him over and over in my head.

It’s a constant battle of never knowing and always wondering what his/our futures would have been.

June Scott – Mother

Losing Nigel was a traumatic event that I will never fully recover from. He died so suddenly and in such a terrible way. Nobody deserves to die in that kind of way. Nigel was a good, kind man. He was gentle and caring and wouldn’t intentionally hurst anyone.

Nigel and I were very close and we thought the world of each other. I miss him so very much. This has left me with a broken heart. God bless my son Nigel.