Two men in court over death of teenage girl in East Lancashire

15 year old Megan Lee died after eating a takeaway in Hyndburn

Author: Nathan MarshPublished 4th Jan 2018
Last updated 4th Jan 2018

Two men have appeared in court charged with the manslaughter of a 15-year-old girl who suffered an allergic reaction to a takeaway meal.

Mohammed Abdul Kuddus, 39, of Belper Street, Blackburn, and Harun Rashid, 38, of Rudd Street, Rossendale, appeared at Blackburn Magistrates' Court on Thursday to face charges in connection with the death of teenager Megan Lee, from Oswaldtwistle in Lancashire.

Both men were charged with manslaughter, failing to discharge general health/safety duty to a person other than an employee, and contravening or failing to comply with EU provisions concerning food safety and hygiene.

Kuddus was also charged under the name of the company, RS Takeaways Ltd, with failing to discharge general health/safety duty to a person other than an employee and contravening or failing to comply with EU provisions concerning food safety and hygiene.

Kuddus, wearing a burgundy coat, spoke through an interpreter to confirm his name, age and address.

Both men confirmed their nationality as Bangladeshi.

Magistrates sent the case to Burnley Crown Court, where the men will appear on February 7, and they were both given conditional bail.

Megan's parents were in court with other family members for the brief hearing.

The teenager died in hospital on New Year's Day last year after being admitted on December 30.

She had eaten food from the Royal Spice Indian takeaway in Hyndburn.

A post-mortem examination showed she died from acute asthma due to nut allergy.

Lancashire Police said the takeaway was now trading under new ownership