Traffic Officers warn of the dangers of worn tyres

Highways England have partnered with the Firefighters Charity to use new technology to check tyre depth

Published 16th Apr 2018

Highways England are warning people to check their tyres regularly, after it was revealed more than a fifth of car tyres on the roads are currently illegal.

Officers say too many people are not aware of the fact a tyre with less the 1.6mm tread depth is illegal, and can carry a three-point penalty and a fine of more than ÂŁ2,500

Traffic Officers across the North West are now working in partnership with the Firefighters Charity to check road users tyres during the weekly charity car washes at Fire stations.

Officers have been issued with new laser technology, allowing them to check the depth of tyres with more accuracy and precision than previous manual methods would allow.

At an event in Lancashire, Stuart Lovett from Highways England, said:

"Luckily today we've not had anyone who has had an illegal tyre but what we've found is that an awful lot of people have gotten very close. It's clear there's a need for people to be aware of the importance of tyre safety.

"If they fall below 1.6mm per tyre then it's illegal. The courts can impose three points on your licence per illegal tyre, and a fine of up to ÂŁ2,500 per tyre.

"If you don't have decent tread depth and you're driving in the rain on the school run, you're more likely to skid and then it's likely that you'll hit somebody.

"Your tyre is probably the most safety critical piece of equipment on your car."

Traffic Officers will be at a number of charity car washes over the next few weeks, offering advice to people who have their tyres checked.

Tony Crook, from Lancashire Fire and Rescue, said:

"Some of the 1,000 accidents we see on the roads each year can definitely be avoided through tyre maintenance and having the correct tyre for your vehicle, so that when you have to stop, you do stop. It is a massive, massive risk not to have tyres that a road legal.

"People drive around nowadays in some vastly expensive cars, and then put cheap tyres on them. You should never, ever let you tyres get below 2mm, let alone to an illegal state. Check them every week, for myself I check them every time I go out, in case there is any damage and other people should do the same."
