THE family of Lindsay Birbeck pay emotional tribute to her.

“We have not only lost our mum but we’ve lost our best friend too"

Lindsay Birbeck
Author: John PickfordPublished 29th Aug 2019

THE family of Lindsay Birbeck have today paid an emotional tribute to her.

Lindsay’s two children Steven, 19 and Sarah, 16, said: “On behalf of the whole family we would like to thank every single person that has helped and supported us during the search for our mum – you are all aware now of the tragic circumstances and that she is no longer with us.

“Lindsay was a great mum and wife, much loved daughter, loving aunty and sister-in-law and a great friend too. She loved running, walking, camping and socialising with her small circle of friends.

“Our mum always wanted the best for us and never let us down with anything.

“It saddens us deeply that someone has cruelly taken our mum away from us and now she will never see us get married, have children and set up homes of our own which she would have loved.

“Our mum was very loved by all that met her including all of the pupils that she has taught over the years.

“We have not only lost our mum but we’ve lost our best friend too.

“Could we please ask that people respect our privacy and allow us to grieve at this distressing time and please not to enter into speculation on social media.

“Thank you all again for your help and support.”

Lindsay Birbeck

Detectives have this morning (Thursday, August 29th) been given by magistrates a further 36 hours to question a 16-year-old youth arrested on suspicion of Lindsay’s murder.

The boy was arrested on Tuesday evening (August 27th) after a public appeal.

Lindsay, 47, went missing from home on August 12th and a murder inquiry was launched after her body was found at Accrington Cemetery on Saturday (August 24th).

A post mortem examination showed that Lindsay died as a result of compression of the neck.

A team of detectives, uniformed officers and staff are continuing to work on the investigation and a number of scenes remain in place in the Accrington area. We appreciate the continuing support and co-operation of the community as we go about our work