Residents 'shock' as Fishergate Bollard is knocked down

The Internet reacts...

Published 11th Oct 2016

It's been a tough few days for the Fishergate Bollard and the people of Preston as the bollard was found in a side street, a considerable way away from its normal position. The bollard, which has its own Twitter account @FishergateBllrd, has become quite a sensation.

Residents became concerned on Sunday night when the bollard was no longer in the usual position, but it later emerged the bollard had been located down a side street.

It led to numerous tweets about the 'shocking incident'.

However for anyone concerned it seems Lancashire County Council have it covered. They tweeted that not only will the Fishergate Bollard be back in place soon, but there will also be a camera to make sure it remains safe. Hurray!