Read how Phillipa James went from a size 26, to a 16!

Phillipa has lost an incredible 5 stone 6lbs and dropped from a size 26 jeans to a 16!* all thanks to Greatest Hits Radio Diets, fuelled by Hairy Bikers Diet Club.

Published 28th May 2015

…a mental health nurse from Bristol who has lost an incredible 5 stone 6lbs and dropped from a size 26 jeans to a 16!* all thanks to Greatest Hits Radio Diets, fuelled by Hairy Bikers Diet Club.

Speaking about Phillipa about her weight loss, she said, “I have found this diet surprisingly easy to do. I am never hungry and the food tastes great. The encouragement from the online support has been an amazing help too.”

She said, “It’s not about denying yourself things but about making gradual changes towards a healthier lifestyle. It’s all about control, and being happy in your skin.”

You mentioned you’re a self-confessed foodie, so had you tried other diets before this one? “Yes – but they didn’t work. Weighwatchers food was just bland and all about tiny portions whilst SlimFast was Yuck, I just wanted proper food!”

Did your weight affect your social life? “I did get embarrassed about the weight I had got to, and I tried to hide it under my clothes. Swimming was a definite no, so were skimpy clothes. Going out on an evening was rare, no clothes suitable ever looked nice or fitted me.”

How has your weight loss helped? “I feel like myself again! That’s the main thing. I have more energy, going out on my walks is easier and more fun. Just getting up and down off the floor is better. I walk further, faster with the dogs, which they love, and I’m just enjoying food and life more than I have in a long time.”

Losing weight loss with a buddy was obviously a huge source of motivation for Si & Dave, did you do this alone? “I encouraged my family to join up and they are all healthier and happier now too! Mum started the diet with me and got to her goal weight in about 4 months. She has kept it off since. My brother joined me on the diet for 3 months and looks great too, and has got himself a new girlfriend to boot!”

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One big thing for Phillipa was the physical improvements in day-to-day life: “The best thing is that my clothes don’t rub, and I sweat less. The worst thing known to woman has to be the sweat rash, combined with the bra rub under the breasts when you are overweight (it must be something similar for men!). Very uncomfortable is an understatement. This has gone, normal bras and clothes can be worn, and not hurt!”

Whilst the physical improvements have been huge, Phillipa’s also a lot happier in herself, “Emotionally, I am me again. That’s the bottom line. I am happier. No more embarrassment about not fitting properly on rides at a fair, or getting a seatbelt to fit. I have started going out with friends again. Life is better, happier and more fun.”

What’s next for you? “To reach my goal weight, I’m not there yet, another 3 stone to go. Then I guess, wait and see.”

Good luck Phillipa! We know you can do it!

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