Preston North End's Deepdale Stadium hit by vandals

Preston North End has been the victim of a number of incidents of criminal damage to the stadium and threats made against its staff in recent weeks at Deepdale.

Published 4th Oct 2016

Preston North End has been the victim of a number of incidents of criminal damage to the stadium and threats made against its staff in recent weeks at Deepdale.

According the club, there has been extensive damage caused to fixtures and fittings around the stadium, which has recently escalated with individuals starting fires.

The club and Lancashire Fire and Rescue are concerned that if a fire takes hold serious damage will be caused to the stadium or adjoining club property.

Speaking about the issues club safety officer Mark Farnworth said: “We are working closely with the police to identify those involved to ensure that they are prosecuted to the full extent.

“If required, the club will seek to sue individuals for civil trespass and obtain court injunctions to keep them off Preston North End property.

“If anyone has any information as to the identity of those involved please contact the police or the club, all information will remain confidential.