Preston man sentenced to life in prison for murdering his wife of 23 years

Jamal Khan will serve a minimum term of 16 years.

Published 7th Aug 2017
Last updated 7th Aug 2017

A man from Preston has been told he'll spend life behind bars - for murdering his wife with a hammer.

52 year-old dad of three Jamal Khan - killed his wife of 23 years - Humera Khan at their home on Chatsworth Street back in February.

Jamal Khan

The court heard how he hit her multiple times from behind with a hammer whilst she was sitting in front of a sewing machine in what the judge describes as a "ferocious attack" because she had refused to make his tea for him.

She later died in hospital from "catastrophic head injuries."

He was found guilty of murder by a jury at Preston Crown Court.

Our reporter Amy Scarisbrick has more:

On sentencing Judge Brown described it as a "very tragic case which has left three children without a mum and a dad"

DCI Clare Mcenery led the investigation:

Det Chief Insp Claire Mcenery said: “This is a tragic case where Humera suffered a fatal head injury at the hands of her husband.

“It was a ferocious attack where she was bludgeoned to death with a lump hammer, causing catastrophic injuries to her as she was working on a sewing machine in her own house, a place where she was entitled to feel safe and secure.

“Humera leaves behind a daughter and two sons and I would like to pay tribute to her family who have acted with dignity throughout the investigation and subsequent trial. They have acted in an exemplary fashion.

“This family have now lost a mother and a father and while they feel that they have today received justice for their mother, they will have to live without parents going forward which adds to their devastation.

“My thoughts and condolences very much remain with them at this time.