Preston's controversial Fishergate bus lane has been rated as "Inadequate"

An independent tribunal has ruled that signage isn't clear enough

Published 9th Mar 2017

The controversial Fishergate bus lane in Preston City Centre has been rated inadequate by an official tribunal.

More than 28,000 people have been fined for driving down the bus lane since the scheme came in to force last November.

An adjucator visited this bus lane a fortnight ago - he's today published a report which says that the signs aren't clear enough and they don't give enough warnings to motorists.

Stephen Knapp recommends that more signs need to be put up, the words bus lane should be painted on the road and drivers should have been given more notice ahead of such a radical new scheme.

"28-thousand drivers couldn't have simply ignored the restriction" - Stephen Knapp

Six motorists have now successfully appealed their fines following the tribunal.

Questions are now being raised about the future of the bus lane and Lancashire County Council - who are in charge of the bus lane - say they're yet to decide what to do next.

County Councillor John Fillis said: "We have only received the decision this afternoon and we are looking into the implications for this scheme."