Preston's controversial Fishergate bollard gets its own Twitter account


Published 25th Aug 2016

The Fishergate bollard located at the junction of Fishergate and Corporation Street has been the subject of many a conversation and now it finally gets its 'own say'.

The controversial addition to the road has now attained 'celebrity status' with its own Twitter account run by an unknown individual.

Having only been set up yesterday (24th August) the account has already attracted over 300 followers. Tweets from the account include photos of the bollard at various stages throughout its 'lifetime', including the numerous times it has been hit by a car.

And asks the public how it could make itself "more noticable".

The bollard has even contacted other Prestonians asking for bunting and opinions one whether its 'podium looks big in this'.

With the return of Great British Bake Off last night the account asked, "what's the chance of making a roundabout cake, with removable iced bollard top, to accomodate careless spatulas?" sic

FishergateBllrd has already proved popular with the public with many tweeting photos of 'what could be'.

Could the bollard even become a Pokestop? Only time will tell.

Many drivers have fallen foul to the Fishergate bollard since it was introduced a couple of years ago, but despite its problems the shared space scheme won Preston a national award earlier this year.

You can follow the Fishergate Bollard on Twitter right now!