Police dealing with a report of a sexual offence in a Lancashire school every month

Police were called to deal with a report of a sexual offence in a Lancashire school almost every month in the last year.

Published 20th Sep 2016

Police were called to deal with a report of a sexual offence in a Lancashire school almost every month in the last year.

New figures reveal that Lancashire Police received 28 reports of sexual offences between 2011 and 2015 - 11 of those have been in the past year.

There were six reports of sexual offences on school premises recorded in 2011/12, six in 2012/13, five in 2013/14 and 11 in 2014/15. Two suspects were charged.

Reported incidents included rape, sexual activity involving a child and sexual assault on a child.

Plan International UK is calling for the government to commit to mandatory sex and relationships education which covers sexting, consent, healthy relationships and the law.

“This shows that we’re failing young people when it comes to learning about healthy relationships and consent,” says Plan International UK Head of Girls’ Rights Kerry Smith.

“Quality sex and relationships education helps young people to develop healthy attitudes towards sex and relationships while helping to tackle inappropriate and aggressive sexual behaviour.”

Nationally, reports of sexual offences in schools have more than doubled in four years to 1,955 in 2014/15.

Figures were disclosed after a Freedom of Information request of UK police forces with 34 of 45 responses across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Other national findings include: Nearly two-thirds (66 per cent) of alleged victims are girls or women 94 per cent of alleged offences are committed by men or boys * 15 per cent are thought to be committed by school staff, including teachers

“Clearly girls and women are disproportionately affected by sexual violence in schools,” says Ms Smith.

“Young people need education about the realities of life and relationships, including consent.”

“This is a global problem. Girls and boys need clear messages that unwanted sexual contact in or around school is not acceptable, says Ms Smith.

Detective Chief Inspector Simon Dent, of the Lancashire Constabulary Public Protection Unit, said: “As a force we channel a great deal of resources into this area, which includes carrying out preventative work through campaigns and delivering educational packages in schools to promote healthy relationships.

“We also take a joined-up approach with other agencies, such as social services and the county’s safeguarding boards, to ensure appropriate advice and support is available to all young people.

“As a result our figures are low compared to other forces.

“The figures also offer a snapshot rather than a complete picture of each incident – for example, one of the offences was committed outside of the county. Almost all of the incidents referred to were instances of sexual touching over clothing, and were resolved in partnership with schools. The outcomes were also agreed with the victims and their families and, where relevant, the offenders were referred to social services for further intervention.

“We take all reports of sexual offences seriously, especially where children are involved, and all allegations made to us are investigated robustly. Offenders are dealt with in a way which is proportionate to the crime.

“We would urge anyone who has been a victim of a sexual offence to contact us on 101, confident in the knowledge they will be dealt with sensitively and professionally.

“More information on the warning signs of child sexual exploitation can be found on the force website at www.lancashire.police.uk/help-advice/child-safety/child-sexual-exploitation.”