Man convicted for a horrifying attack on a woman in Blackburn

She's been left permanently disfigured

Author: Nathan MarshPublished 29th Mar 2018

A man's been convicted over a horrifying attack on a woman in Blackburn.

Sam Carrington savagely attacked the 33 year old woman, as she walked along George Street West on Saturday, September 23rd last year.

She suffered serious injuries including a fractured jaw, a bleed on the brain and lost a number of teeth.

She's still not physically recovered and has been left permanently disfigured. She has three metal plates in her jaw and suffers recurring headaches.

Following extensive enquiries police arrested and charged Carrington and at Burnley Crown Court he was convicted attempted rape and sexual assault. He had previously admitted Section 18 - grievous bodily harm with intent.

He'll be sentenced on June 8th.

"the victim believed, during the attack, she was going to die"

Detective Sgt Mel Kelly, of East CID, said: “This was one of the most vicious and brutal attacks I have ever witnessed. It is little short of a miracle that the victim was not more seriously injured or even killed and in fact the victim herself believed during the attack that she was going to die. The CCTV footage of this assault is truly horrifying. I would like to commend the victim for having the strength to support the prosecution to see justice served against Carrington who is clearly an extremely dangerous man.