Leyland man jailed for strangling a woman in the street

Aiden Shepherd admitted attempted murder

Author: Nathan MarshPublished 24th Aug 2018

A Leyland man who strangled a woman using a nylon dress belt has been jailed for attempted murder.

Aiden Shepherd, 20, of Merlin Grove, was sentenced to eight years in prison with a further four years on extended licence at Burnley Crown Court.

Shepherd was arrested earlier this year following reports of a serious assault in the early hours of April 26.

Officers had been called to West Paddock in Leyland where a 19-year-old woman was found with strangulation injuries.

The woman had been out walking with Shepherd when, for unknown reasons, he attempted to strangle her using the belt. The victim passed out, later waking and calling for an ambulance.

Police attended and arrested Shepherd at the scene on suspicion of attempted murder.

Detectives investigating the attack found evidence Shepherd had planned the offence. The belt had been taken from his home address and was used to stop dogs entering a room at the property.

In July, Shepherd appeared at Preston Crown Court and pleaded guilty to attempted murder.

He was sentenced to eight years in prison.

Det Insp Graeme Simpson, of Lancashire Police, said: “Aiden Shepherd is clearly a dangerous offender and we welcome the sentence handed down at court.

"His actions that day were cold, calculating and ruthless."

“His actions that day were cold, calculating and ruthless. He had planned his attack and it is fortunate the victim involved did not come to more serious harm.

“Such was the force used by Shepherd, the strangulation marks made by the belt involved were still visible on the victim a couple of weeks later.

“She has shown tremendous courage in facing up to her attacker and I commend her for bravery during the on-going investigation and at court.

“I must also extend my thanks to colleagues who worked on the case, helping to secure a charge and conviction.