Four charged after £4 million cannabis farm discovered in Blackpool

It was discovered on Sunday

Author: Owen ArandsPublished 3rd Dec 2024

Lancashire Police have charged four men after cannabis with an estimated street value of more than £4m was found in Blackpool.

On Saturday afternoon officers conducted a search of an industrial unit on Squires Gate Lane under the misuse of drugs act.

During the search, a large-scale cannabis growth was found on two floors of the premises, while there was evidence that the electricity supply had been bypassed.

Electricity North West attended to make the electricity supply safe.

Four men were arrested on suspicion of cultivating cannabis.

Following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service, the four men were charged with production of a Class B controlled drug – cannabis.

Guoxi Wang, 61, Long Wen, 40, Wejun Chen, 36, and Ziming Guo, 44, all of no fixed address, were remanded to appear before Lancaster Magistrates Court today (3rd December).

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