Exclusive: Watch as farmer "dishes dirt" on actress

Oscar winning star Emma Thompson was baking cakes at an anti-fracking protest.

Published 27th Apr 2016

A farmer sprayed manure at actress Emma Thompson and her sister Sophie at a Greenpeace anti-fracking event in Lancashire.

The stars were taking part in a bake off at a fracking site.

Our reporter captured the moment exclusively - luckily for the actress she remained dry and finished baking her cakes.

Emma Thompson said: “I was livid when I heard about the government’s plans to frack under national parks. Since then I’ve discovered that to prop up their half-baked energy policies the government may have to force fracking onto reluctant local communities. This must be challenged. We have to show the government that we will not allow fracking to scar our countryside and fuel yet more climate change, and what better way to do that here in Britain than to hold a Bake Off?’

Lytham resident Chris Evans, a member of Backing Fracking, said: "The people of Lancashire have been quite capable of deciding its future since it was formed as a county in 1889. We don't need the wealthy, privileged, London elite coming up from their Paddington mansions and telling us we can't have the jobs that go hand-in-hand with shale gas extraction.

"If she's worried about climate change, she'd be better off campaigning to end coal use in electricity generation by promoting a switch to cleaner gas. Every Gigawatt Hour of electricity produced by gas saves a massive 538 million tonnes of climate-changing CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere. She might also want to cut back on the air miles she no doubt clocks-up flying around the world with cast and crew to film on location."