Mum of teen cyclist killed while riding his bike vows to continue fight for justice

Dylan Crossey died whilst out riding on his bike. His mum Tracey says she won't give up.

Published 4th Apr 2018
Last updated 4th Apr 2018

Dylan Crossey died two years ago, after being hit with a car.

Last week a driver was cleared of causing his death in 2016 because of insufficient evidence.

Mum Tracey Crossey says she feels like she's lost him all over again.

“Dylan was 15-years-old, fantastic footballer, fantastic person, loads of friends, popular with everybody.

“There’s a lot of people who are absolutely devastated for me. There’s so many people that this has affected and we need justice for Dylan.

“I’m devastated, I feel like the justice system’s let Dylan down.

“All his school friends, his football team, Penwortham as a community, he was a very popular boy.

“So there’s a lot of parents wanting to help me to fight and get justice for Dylan.

“If nothing can be done for Dyl, then I don’t want any other family to go through what we’ve gone through.”

A spokesman for Lancashire Constabulary said: “We respect the judge’s ruling and take on board his comments to ensure lessons are learned.

“We worked closely with the Crown Prosecution Service and all of the evidence was subjected to careful scrutiny before a decision was taken to charge.

“This has been a tragic investigation and our thoughts remain with Dylan’s family and friends at this difficult time