Blackpool joins the rest of Lancashire in facing extra restrictions

From tonight pubs and restaurants across England will be closing their doors at ten and are only allowed to do table service.

Author: Hannah MakepeacePublished 24th Sep 2020

From tonight pubs, bars and restaurants must offer table service only and hospitality, leisure, entertainment and tourism businesses will all have to close between 10pm and 5am.

Measures are being tightened in the face of rising coronavirus infections, with Boris Johnson warning the UK has reached a "perilous turning point'' in its fight against the disease.

Business owners in Blackpool are concerned the new measures will mean another major blow for businesses in the resort.

Ryan Gleeson is the Co-Director of the Comedy Station Comedy Club in Blackpool, he said: "Anywhere in Blackpool really takes between 50-80% of their annual income between Easter and Bonfire Night.

"We're expecting our annual income this year to be probably the equivalent of about three months' turn over from last year, so we're really struggling.

"If we get anymore restrictions placed on us it's going to be the final nail in the coffin for quite a few Blackpool venues."

Working from home is once again being encouraged, with anyone who can being asked to do so.

People who cannot, such as those working in construction or retail, are being advised they should continue to go to their workplaces.

People working in retail, travelling in taxis, and staff and customers in indoor hospitality, except while seated at a table to eat or drink, will have to wear face coverings.

From Monday, a maximum of 15 people will be allowed to attend wedding ceremonies and receptions, but the limit remains at 30 for funerals.

The rule of six, introduced last weekend, that any social gatherings of more than six people are against the law, is being extended to all adult indoor team sports.

Large sporting events, business conferences and exhibitions will not reopen as had been planned from October 1.

The penalties for disobeying the rules will also be greater - failing to wear a mask or breaking the rule of six will see fines doubling to ÂŁ200 for a first offence.

Businesses which break the rules could be fined up to ÂŁ10,000 and closed.

Fines of up to ÂŁ10,000 for people who fail to self-isolate have already been announced.

Downing Street said military support was an option to free up police so they can focus on enforcing the tougher rules.

For people in the shielding category, Mr Johnson said the guidance remains that shielding is not currently needed, unless they are in a local lockdown area.

In a televised address on Tuesday evening, he said he was "spiritually reluctant'' to impinge on people's freedoms, but warned: "Unless we take action the risk is that we will have to go for tougher measures later.''