Blackpool couple who shot their children sentenced

The pair used a BB gun as a form of punishment

Published 5th Sep 2017
Last updated 5th Sep 2017

A Blackpool couple, who shot their children with a BB gun as a form of punishment, have been sentenced.

The court heard the pair would use the weapon on their 5 children whenever they stepped out of line.

The couple can't be named for legal reasons, but we know the dad who was 50 and the mother aged 33 shot their children on a regular basis, for things as trivial as forgetting to do the dishes.

On one occasion their 13-year-old daughter was shot for having a boyfriend, because the dad thought she was too young to have one.

It all came to light early in 2016, when one of the youngsters told a teacher about how she got her bruises and wounds.

This regime of punishment against the children, who are aged between 7 and 15, was described in court as bizarre and barbaric.

The court heard the behavior was mostly instigated by the father, but the mum would take control of the weapon whenever he was out. They both pleaded guilty to five counts of child cruelty.

The judged jailed the man for two years and gave their mother a 19 month suspended sentence.

An NSPCC spokesperson said: “This was sustained and vicious cruelty which will have a long-lasting impact on the young children who were repeatedly targeted.

“Instead of protecting those in their care, this couple inflicted an unthinkable regime of needless punishment.

“It’s now important that their children continue to receive the help and support they require.

“Anyone with concerns about a child can contact the NSPCC Helpline in confidence on 0808 8005000. Children seeking advice and support can call Childline on 0800 1111."