'Baby box' launched in Wigan to help prevent cot death

Pilot scheme sees specially adapted boxes given to mums

One week old Freddie tries out baby box
Published 20th Mar 2017

Mum’s in Wigan have been given the chance to receive a free ‘baby box’ to help lower the rate of cot deaths and increase awareness around safer sleeping environments for new born babies.

Baby Boxes have reduced the infant mortality rate in Finland and The NHS Trust in Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh say they’re introducing them to new mums as part of a major initiative which teaches parents all about breastfeeding, maternal mental health, paediatric first aid and nutrition.

The launch this morning proved there is a demand for the boxes as hundreds of women turned up to collect one.

Each Baby Box is lined with a mattress and can be used as a child’s first bed, and includes clothes, blankets and other newborn necessities.

Our reporter Amy Scarisbrick went along to the launch in Wigan this morning.