£52,000 donated to Arena bombings 'homeless hero' to be refunded after he admits theft

Rough sleeper Chris Parker stole from victims as they lay injured.

Author: Victoria GloverPublished 4th Jan 2018

Around £50,000 of donations to a homeless "hero'' who later admitted stealing from victims of the Manchester Arena bombing will be refunded.

The funds were collected for rough sleeper Chris Parker after he claimed to have helped some of those injured in the attack.

More than 3,700 people gave a total of £52,539 in good faith after his story spread around the world.

Michael Johns, who started the fundraising appeal, said all the money will be refunded after Parker admitted stealing a purse and a phone from victims.

In a statement on the GoFundMe page, Mr Johns said: "I would like to extend my sympathies to his victims that night and also apologise to them for any distress this campaign may have caused them whilst they continue to recover and grieve.''

He added that GoFundMe policy prevents him from giving the funds to any other charity or cause.

The suicide bombing killed 22 and left scores injured on 22nd May last year.

Parker was seen in CCTV footage leaning over the body of injured survivor Pauline Healey to steal her purse as her 14-year-old granddaughter Sorrell Leczkowski lay dying nearby.

The 33-year-old also snatched the mobile phone of a teenager and within hours was using Mrs Healey's bank cards at a local McDonald's.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of theft and one count of fraud at Manchester Crown Court on Wednesday.

Prosecutors said it was clear the defendant provided "some limited assistance'' but that he also took the opportunity to commit the thefts in the immediate aftermath of the atrocity.

Parker has a string of previous convictions, dating from 2000 to February of last year, including the theft of a purse from a woman and numerous shoplifting and burglary offences.

Judge David Hernandez remanded him in custody for sentence on January 30, adding a custodial sentence was "most likely''.