UCLan Event Management Students

Published 6th Apr 2016
Last updated 7th Feb 2017

We are absolutely delighted to be working with the amazing Rod, Lynn and Jacky from UCLan Event Management. This relationship is now in it's third year and every year we are super impressed with the work and dedication of both the students and lecturers. The students create and put on live events as part of their course and raise money for our charity.

This years groups have come up with some great ideas and we will be popping along to as many of these fabulous nights as possible.

Please support these young people if they ask for raffle prizes or help or try and get along to one (or all!) of these fab nights out.

Bingo plus other fundraisers - various dates

Night of Dreams - 5/4/16 Scholars

Laugh for Kids - 7/4/16 Scholars

Songs from the shows - 22/4/16

Hawaiian Evening - 28/4/16

To find out all about UCLan Event Management and all the exciting things they get up to have a look at http://uclanevents.blogspot.co.uk/