Evie Ball

Evie Ball is 8 years old and currently lives at home in Preston with me, her Mum Kath, her Dad Alan, her Granny, and her two sisters Ellie and Lily. She attends St Andrew’s C/E School in Ashton, Preston

Evie Ball was born 10 weeks early weighing 3lb 9 oz. She spent her first days in the Neonatal Unit at the Royal Preston Hospital being fed and cuddled, and eventually came home to us when she was 5 weeks old. Her development was unremarkable until she attended for a routine eye check at 6 months. We were told that it was possible Evie had optic nerve atrophy, a condition which meant that she could be blind. Further tests were then carried out to investigate the extent of her eye problems and from this; a diagnosis of cerebral palsy was made when Evie was 9 months old. This diagnosis was such a shock. This happened to other parents and other children, not us. We felt completely lost.

However, even at this early age, Evie was such a happy child. Her progress was and still is inspirational and her smile lights up any room. Her vision improved slowly and although her vision is today limited, she is able to read large font and see her family and surroundings. She learnt to sit at 3 years old and has since learnt a commando style crawl which does get her from a to b with a lot of effort! Evie does not have the fine motor skills to write letters and words but enjoys colouring and tactile crafts. Her favourite pass time is to listen to a range of audio books and she has the most incredible vocabulary and imagination.

Evie is unable to walk and her main form of transport is her wheelchair which she is becoming very nifty in (but we still have to watch toes, shins and paintwork!) The Little Pink Mermaid appeal was a fund raising idea by two of our closest friends, Clare and Suzanne, who wanted to help raise money for Eve’s equipment in the proposed build due to start in August 2012. The name of the appeal was chosen by Evie herself. Evie loves the water and swimming and one day she said that she must be a mermaid as her legs worked in water and not on land. Evie is the most gentle and beautiful young girl inside and out. She loves socialising and being part of everything. Sometimes this is not logistically possible, but we always try our hardest to keep her involved.

Evie’s appeal has now raised a massive £29,000 and we have been able to buy Evie a new electric wheelchair, a special computer, a trike and we are just having her garden made safe with wheelchair access.

We have also helped other children and bought foam steps for Preston City Trampoline Club so disabled children can use the trampolines, granted to the Space Centre and Fylde Sharks swimming club and are helping with a trike and some other help for beautiful Gemma Kavanagh. Thank you to everyone for their support. We love you all! Go Team Mermaid!