The Baby Jackson Appeal

Cash for Kids were able to support the family with a grant

'Our son was born on the 6th March 2013 after being born 6 weeks early he was taken at birth into the neonatal unit at Royal Preston Hospital, he was living without support on day 7, then at day 12 he fell poorly and was put on a ventilator. Jackson never regained breathing for himself and this meant he became ventilator dependant. Jackson was taken to theatre for 2 biopsy's in which the results are still outstanding. The doctors came to me and my partner Jack on 2nd May 2013 and advised us that even though they don't know the diagnosis of Jackson, in only a short time his body would give up. Me and Jack had to make the hardest decision we will ever make; this was to withdraw Jacksons care on Sunday 5th May 2013. At 3.00pm Jacksons care was withdrawn he didn't attempt to breath his heart gave up 20 minutes later and he was pronounced dead at 3.20pm. After fighting for 60 days it was his time to be left in peace to stop the pain and suffering. I'm now setting up this charity to raise as much money as possible to do more research in finding out a cure so no other mummy and daddy loose their child like we did.'

Jackson's parents have teamed up with another family of Baby Ethan to raise funds for the Neonatal Unit where their baies were cared for. They will be completely refusrbishing the waiting room on the ward which is in desperate need of work. It is used by hundreds of people every year who come to help and support the families looking after their babies on the ward and will make a huge difference to their experience while in the hospital.