The Medway bus route where your life expectancy increases by 10 years

The route starts at Chatham and ends in Cuxton

Why do you think Chatham has the lowest life expectancy
Author: Josh BaileyPublished 23rd Apr 2024

There is a bus route in Medway where your life expectancy increases by 10 years the further you travel along it.

Chatham is at the start of the 151 route, with it having the lowest life expectancy of 73 years. At the next three stops, as you pass through Rochester and Strood, the life expectancy improves to 77 and 79 years.

The final stop is then Cuxton, where the life expectancy increase to 83 years, 10 years older to that of Chatham.

But why is this? And would a move up the line increase a person's life expectancy? Dr Julian Spinks is a GP from Medway and he said: "The people living in Cuxton will have greener space around them, they might have a better house and access to healthcare service.

"So, yes, making that move would be a better move for ones health but people have got to have the money to make that happen and there's a lot of factor preventing that from happening."

80% of a person's of health is influenced by non medical factors such as housing, income and job status and in Chatham deprivation is high.

Terraced housing in Chatham Kent UK

According to the Index of Multiple Deprivation, which is the official measure for relative deprivation in England, River Ward, in Chatham, is the most deprived area in Medway.

Teresa Murray is the deputy leader of the Medway Council and she says the council have a 10 year plan for social regeneration

She said: "It's about getting more affordable housing, we know we have to do that.

"We've got a pilot licensing scheme happening, so we can take people out of properties that are being used for private rent, where some landlords are taking housing benefit, leaving people in poor conditions.

"We want to sent a message, that we will not be accepting this.

We've got a really big development plan for Chatham that includes new play space, nice new places to gather and we have had a big consultation about.