Worcestershire river action group calling for community testing

Recent reports of illness after swimming in local rivers have been circulating on social media

Author: Josh BarnesPublished 19th Aug 2024

A river action group based in Worcestershire are calling on more work to be done to protect the health of our local waterways.

Some local residents have reported rashes and illness after enjoying the rivers during the warm summer months.

The ecosystems and wildlife are also being impacted from higher levels of bacteria, nitrates and matter in our rivers.

Lou Bugg is from the Avonvale River Action Group. She said, "The problem is complex, it is not an easy one to fix.

"But as a citizen's science group, Avonvale are playing their part in monitoring how things are regarding water quality."

As more people become concerned about the levels of pollutants in the local rivers, some are choosing to swim elsewhere.

Lou from Avonvale said, "It's definitely pushing swimmers away.

"We have people that want to swim outdoors and they are generally going to lakes now instead of swimming in the River Avon.

"I've lived in Fladbury for 15 years and I've always swam in the river, but I also swim in lakes now because I know there is less risk."

Avonvale River Action regularly test stretches of the Avon, you can find their results on the group's website.

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