People in Herefordshire and Worcestershire reminded to check on their flu vaccinations ahead of winter

It's as the colder weather approaches

Author: Elliot BurrowPublished 30th Sep 2024
Last updated 30th Sep 2024

People across Herefordshire and Worcestershire are being reminded to make sure they have had their flu vaccination ahead of the winter season.

It's as children have made their way back to school, and the colder weather starts to arrive.

Children aged 2-16 can get the vaccine as the winter approaches, along with pregnant women and those at risk of getting seriously ill.

Rob Davies from the public health team at Herefordshire county council says making sure people take the vaccine is really important.

"Children can catch and spread flu really easily, and it can actually make them very ill," he said.

"Our uptake across the board is generally good, but it could be a lot better, for example, about half the two to three-year olds get this vaccine and that needs to be a lot higher.

"By taking care of your child, getting the vaccine, it minimises the chance of that spreading to others who might be even more vulnerable, so it has a really big multiplier effect."

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