NSPCC urging sports teams in Herefordshire and Worcestershire to check their safeguarding features

It's part of the Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport campaign by the children's charity

Worcestershire County Cricket Club supported a workshop from the NSPCC aimed at giving staff more knowledge to help keep young people safe
Author: Elliot BurrowPublished 15th Oct 2024

Sports teams across Herefordshire and Worcestershire are being reminded of the importance of making sure children and young people are safely looked after when in their care.

Children's charity the NSPCC are urging clubs to check they have the correct safeguarding features in place, following their Keeping Your Child Safe In Sport week.

Worcestershire County Cricket Club and Worcestershire Cricket Foundation both supported a workshop from the NSPCC last week, aimed at giving staff more knowledge to help keep children and young people safe.

Rachel Wallace is the the campaigns manager for the NSPCC West Midlands, and she says it's about creating opportunities to focus more within teams as to how their safeguarding features work.

"As parents and carers we want our children to be safe all the time," she said.

"We put a lot of trust in other people when they look after our children for us, so dropping our child off at football or going to watch them at rugby, we want to know that environment is safe for our children when they are there, and we can raise any concerns if we need to.

"It's about keeping children safe and happy while being involved in sport, but giving parents and carers the confidence to be able to ask the right questions, and ask for support if they need it, but making sure that sport stays safe and fun for everyone."

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